Charting New Horizons: MIRL’s Visionary Business Directions for a Transformative 2024

5 min readJan 5, 2024


Dear MIRL Community,

It is with immense joy and gratitude that I reconnect with you, eager to share the strides and updates that have unfolded since our last community townhall.

Above all, I extend my deepest appreciation for the steadfast support each and every one of you has generously bestowed upon MIRL since our launch in March 2022. Your unwavering enthusiasm, engagement, and passion for our project have been the driving forces propelling our growth and success.

As we take a moment to reflect on our collective journey, the expansion of our community stands out as a testament to our shared dedication. New friendships have blossomed, and valuable partnerships with collaborators and clients have been forged. These connections not only enrich our ecosystem but also pave the way for exciting possibilities and creative ventures.

Acknowledging the triumphs and achievements that have marked our path, it is equally important to recognize the challenges we have encountered.

From unforeseen setbacks in timelines to navigating the intricacies of partnerships, each hurdle has been met with resilience and determination. I want to reassure you that the core team is more committed than ever to surmounting obstacles and propelling MIRL towards greater heights.


Since our last update, significant enhancements have been made to both our APP and physical product for Connexions. Connexions, a singular and personalized digital hub, aims to consolidate all social media profiles, websites, and online content. This innovative platform is strategically positioned to engage both web2 and web3 audiences, catering to retail users and professional brands alike.

If you’re interested in joining the beta test, feel free to reach out to us via DM on our socials or email us.

MIRL NFT Revamp in 2024: Enhancing Value and Community Engagement

Exciting developments await as MIRL announces a comprehensive revamp of the MIRL NFT in 2024. The primary objective is to elevate value for existing holders and attract new members to the community. Anticipate the following enhancements:

  1. Introduction of new artwork through mutation, promising a fresh and dynamic visual experience for NFT holders.
  2. Reduction in NFT supply, fostering increased scarcity and value.
  3. Increased opportunities for acquiring rare NFTs, providing the community with unique ownership experiences.
  4. Strategic utilization of $MIRL token airdrops for system enhancements, ensuring ongoing ecosystem excellence.

MIRL is dedicated to creating a seamless and enjoyable ecosystem for all community members, whether holding NFTs or $MIRL tokens. Stay tuned for updates as MIRL embarks on this transformative journey.

Innovative Revenue Strategies: MIRL’s Web3 Approach

MIRL stands out as a web3 entity, integrating a traditional retail framework through its DAO and fashion label. This strategic approach ensures revenue generation independent of market conditions. In 2024, MIRL plans to acquire $MIRL tokens from the open market, leveraging accumulated profits. Diversified revenue streams include the highly anticipated M0NSTER label, upcoming fashion line, production facilitated by MIRL DAO, event hosting, and grants.

Beyond this, MIRL capitalizes on web3 revenue channels, including Wear2Earn, NFTs, and MIRL Labs. Actively fostering business partnerships, MIRL collaborates with major entities across cryptocurrency exchanges, projects, and scalable blockchain networks. This comprehensive strategy positions MIRL for sustained success and growth in the dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, presenting exciting possibilities for the future.

MEXC Update- Alternate solution incoming

In November, the MIRL community noted the $MIRL token’s shift to MEXC’s “Assessment Zone” without proactive communication. MEXC’s lack of transparency was discovered post-transition through direct inquiry on Telegram. Despite meeting all criteria to prevent delisting, an issue arose with MEXC user activity, beyond MIRL’s influence. While acknowledging the necessity of exchange maintenance, MIRL underscores the importance of clear communication for positive outcomes, especially for projects like MIRL that have paid listing/marketing fees. MIRL recommends MEXC communicate listing requirements in future agreements to enhance preparation. Expressing disappointment in MEXC’s decision, MIRL remains committed to development, actively seeking alternative paths. The $MIRL community is urged to trade on Uniswap without sign-up or fees, and MIRL explores cost-effective DEX trading experiences. Regrettably, the MIRL-MEXC association concludes, with best wishes extended to MEXC as MIRL charts a new path.

As we eagerly anticipate the opportunities that 2024 holds, I invite you to maintain your positive outlook and continue supporting MIRL. Your unwavering belief in our project fuels our determination to realize our goals and co-create a vibrant future. Let’s collectively celebrate our successes, learn from our challenges, and embark on this new year with shared optimism and enthusiasm.

Thank you for being an integral part of the MIRL community. Your continued support forms the bedrock upon which we build and achieve our dreams.

Thanks and kind regards,

The MIRL Team

Join us at our social communities below.

Website | Twitter | Instagram| Linkedln | Discord

🦄 Buy $MIRL on Uniswap

About MIRL

MIRL is a FashionFi project to empower creatives around the world in both the metaverse and the physical world. Our ecosystem product includes the DAO and incubator that connects creatives and designers all over the world with a global community. MIRL brings the fashion industry into the Metaverse with community-driven products, unique wear-to-earn NFTs, and talented new creators; all while providing solutions to help manage the systematic issues within the current fashion industry model. While fashion has yet to establish a place in the current Metaverse, MIRL and the FashionFi industry have the potential to grow through building peaceful, mutually beneficial relationships to foster a better, more accessible Metaverse. Since its inception, over 350 aspiring designers have joined the DAO. MIRL is founded by designers and strategists who have worked with H&M, SHEIN, Yahoo, Google and Nike. MIRL is also in partnership with top players such as Bybit, Mintable, AVStar Capital, Solanium, MEXC, DAO Kondr, OXO Capital, Dexlabs, Vistalabs, Magnet Ventures and more.

Be Part of MIRL’s family

Come onboard MIRL Club and be part of our ever-growing community! Get your very own MIRL genesis NFT today!







MIRL is the first decentralised fashion brand born in the metaverse.