🚀 MIRL introduces new staking and farming features

Stack your $MIRL rewards and boost your incentives!

4 min readJun 27, 2023

MIRL was borne out of a desire to unite the fashion and web3 community. Through providing an active, fashionable and fun reward environment, we hope to catalyze user adoption and create a self-sustaining community that can enjoy greater liquidity and stability through MIRL staking!

MIRL’s highly anticipated staking launch will coming to you soon! Please take note of the key dates below:

Staking deposits is now open on https://staking.mirl.club/.

Please ensure that you are using Metamask and is on Ethereum mainnet and not other EVM sidechains or L2s.

Staking Genesis Block will be based on Ethereum blockheight, starting from Block 17599450. Check countdown on https://etherscan.io/block/countdown/17599450

Before that, users can deposit stakes in preparation for genesis block. Rewards distribution will start from genesis block.

Staking details

Two Pools will be deployed with different rewards allocation,

MIRL (0x8770b7Dd89E5f759eE3b226e0C45e890f87dDc48): 40%

MIRL — USDT UNI LP (0x541b582873bc30242009d7c399220605b072e070) : 60%

$MIRL rewards will be distributed to pool stakers based on emission per block ( according to Ethereum block height).

To celebrate our launch, emission per block for the first month will be boosted to 100 MIRL/block to incentivize early adopters for our new staking feature.

Thereafter, emission will follow 25 MIRL/block till further adjustment is determined by MIRL DAO.

Please do ensure that you are only interacting with our official dAPP links.

Staking UI: https://staking.mirl.club/

Staking Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x666D080bD673679b927B7006bDbDF50925f27D9F

How to get MIRL-USDT LP?

Head to Uniswap, access “Pool” > “More” > “V2 Liquidity” > “Add V2 Liquidity”

Select “USDT’ and “MIRL” Pairing, approve both token and confirm transaction to provide liquidity.

Thereafter, import token into your metamask to view LP token balance. MIRL-USDT LP contract is 0x541B582873bC30242009D7C399220605B072E070

You can now stake your LP token on MIRL staking page to earn more rewards!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we launch MIRL Wear2Earn for the very first time in the upcoming weeks!

Join us at our social communities below.

Website | Twitter | Instagram| Linkedln | Discord

About MIRL

MIRL is a FashionFi project to empower creatives around the world in both the metaverse and the physical world. Our ecosystem product includes the DAO and incubator that connects creatives and designers all over the world with a global community. MIRL brings the fashion industry into the Metaverse with community-driven products, unique wear-to-earn NFTs, and talented new creators; all while providing solutions to help manage the systematic issues within the current fashion industry model. While fashion has yet to establish a place in the current Metaverse, MIRL and the FashionFi industry have the potential to grow through building peaceful, mutually beneficial relationships to foster a better, more accessible Metaverse. Since its inception, over 350 aspiring designers have joined the DAO. MIRL is founded by designers and strategists who have worked with H&M, SHEIN, Yahoo, Google and Nike. MIRL is also in partnership with top players such as Bybit, Mintable, AVStar Capital, Solanium, MEXC, DAO Kondr, OXO Capital, Dexlabs, Vistalabs, Magnet Ventures and more.

Be Part of MIRL’s family

Come onboard MIRL Club and be part of our ever-growing community! Get your very own MIRL genesis NFT today!

OS: https://opensea.io/collection/mirlclub

Mintable: https://mintable.app/store/MIRL-MIRL-OFFICIAL-NFT/0xfda07191be8d7019789cd1e1cf86d97604ce7351

Gem: https://www.gem.xyz/collection/mirlclub/




Written by MIRL

MIRL is the first decentralised fashion brand born in the metaverse. https://mirl.club/

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